Toronto, October 5, 2020 – The Board of Directors for the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) announced the appointment of a new chair of its independent Consumer and Investor Advisory Council (CIAC).
It is something none of us wants to think about – what will happen if I or someone I care about becomes ill and needs assistance with our finances?
Toronto, September 24, 2020 – The board of directors for the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) announced the appointment of Wanda Morris to the board as its first director to be designated a Consumer Interest Director.
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) is pleased to provide our comments to the Ontario Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce (Taskforce) on certain proposals contained in the Taskforce’s recent consultation report.
A few weeks before the maturity date, he met with a mortgage specialist at Bank B and decided to transfer his mortgage to Bank B when it matured.
Toronto, August 27, 2020 - The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) today announced the refusal of WealthTerra Capital Management (WealthTerra) to compensate an investor $50,810 for losses caused by WealthTerra’s sale of unsuitable investments in high-risk exempt market securities.
Everyone is a potential victim of fraud and should take steps to protect themselves and their loved ones. Every day, fraudsters target consumers with elaborate scams that exploit familiar technology such as text and email.
Toronto, July 10, 2020 – OBSI’s Board of Directors welcomes the proposal of Ontario's Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce to give OBSI the power to require investment firms to pay fair compensation to harmed investors when warranted, and increase the limit on OBSI’s compensation recommendations.
Read OBSI's latest newsletter for updates on our service and outlook during the COVID-19 pandemic, two new approaches, our stats for this quarter, and more.
Like all our stakeholders, at OBSI we are working hard to continue to deliver our services and fulfill our mandate during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are closely monitoring the challenges and events affecting our business environment.
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