If you invest through a do-it-yourself account at an order-execution-only (OEO) firm, you can pay significantly less in fees than you would to an advisor.
Deferred sales charges (DSCs) are fees that mutual fund investors pay to the mutual fund company if they sell the mutual fund within a certain time after purchasing it.
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) has released its Annual Report for 2020.
Read OBSI's latest newsletter featuring our annual report, our latest consumer bulletin for fraud month, and more.
Canadians have good reason to fear getting scammed.
OBSI’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce two recent appointments to the board and one to the Consumer and Investor Advisory Council (CIAC).
Every March, we release our annual report to share OBSI’s achievements over the past year. This year, we celebrate one of our biggest milestones to date — 25 years of service and a demonstrated track record for inspiring confidence in Canada’s financial services sector.
If you have a debit card, you have agreed to use it subject to the obligations in the cardholder agreement you made with your bank when the card was issued.
Read OBSI's latest newsletter for information on our recent firm refusal, our 25th anniversary video, case statistics, portal updates, and more.
OBSI launched its Firm Portal roughly a year ago. The portal allows OBSI’s 1,400+ participating firms to access case information, securely upload documents, renew their membership, and more. Designed to meet modern stakeholder expectations, our online portal makes it easier than ever for firms to work with us.
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