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  • Investor complains that unsuitable mutual fund investments led to financial losses

    Mr. Z was concerned that his Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) earned very little interest due to low interest rates at the time and decided to look for better investment options. He sought the help of Mr. F, a registered investment advisor, to explore investment products that could provide a higher rate of return. Mr. Z wanted his investments to grow over the long term. He had a low tolerance for risk and no immediate need for the money in his investments. To guide their discussion, Mr. F documented Mr. Z's investment goals and risk preferences in his file.

  • OBSI announces changes to its organizational governance

    Toronto, June 26, 2023 – The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) today announced the changes to its organizational governance following its public consultation on governance from November 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023.

  • OBSI e-News: Q1/2023

    Read OBSI's latest newsletter featuring our Q1 case statistics, an RRSP case study, new videos and more.

    Click here to read OBSI e-news: Q1/2023.

  • Consumer is not responsible for bank’s technical issues

    Ms. Q returned to Canada from living abroad. To re-establish her credit history, she applied for and received a prepaid credit card, which held a cash balance and was widely accepted. She used this card to pay bills and make online purchases, such as groceries. The mobile app associated with Ms. Q’s prepaid credit card allowed her to easily add funds to her account, monitor her spending and review her monthly account statements online.

  • OBSI 2022 Annual Report released

    Toronto, March 16, 2023 – The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) released its 2022 Annual Report.

  • Consumer seeks compensation due to transfer delay from RRSP to RRIF

    Ms. R was an older investor who held equities in her Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) at an online investing firm. She turned 71 in 2020 and was required to convert her RRSP into a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) by the end of the year.

  • OBSI e-News: Q4/2022

    Read OBSI's latest newsletter featuring our case statistics for both Q4 and fiscal 2022, OBSI's approach to fraud complaints, a relationship-ended case study, and more.

    Click here to read OBSI e-news: Q4/2022.

  • OBSI Governance Review (2022): Public consultation closed

    We would like to thank all those who provided their input to our Governance Review. The public consultation period was announced November 1, 2022, and the comment period for the project closed January 31, 2023. The consultation was undertaken following OBSI’s 2021 independent review which called for a strategic review of our governance structure to determine how best to ensure that key stakeholder interests are most effectively incorporated into board membership and decision-making.

  • OBSI Governance Review (2022)

    OBSI is seeking input from stakeholders and the public in relation to its organizational governance. This consultation is focussed on understanding how OBSI’s board can best ensure that it has the opportunity to consider the perspectives of stakeholders with financial service industry expertise and consumer advocacy expertise in its decision making.

  • OBSI e-News: Q3/2022

    Read OBSI's latest newsletter featuring news about third quarter case volumes, two new case studies, how OBSI is increasing case data disclosure, and information about our 2021 independent reviews.

    Click here to read OBSI e-news: Q3/2022.

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