OBSI is pleased to announce that Oriana Financial Group has joined OBSI as our first mortgage broker participating firm.
OBSI today received federal Minister of Finance approval as an External Complaint Body (ECB) for banking complaints under the Bank Act.
OBSI today announced the refusal of Sentinel Financial Management Corp. to compensate a retired investor in the amount of $55,000.
Sentinel Financial Management Refuses to Compensate Retired Investor
A search is underway for a new Ombudsman and CEO at OBSI, and OBSI’s Board of Directors has engaged an executive search firm – Desautels Consulting – to assist with this process.
OBSI announced today that the backlog of investment cases has been eliminated on schedule.
Douglas Melville Appointed Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) today published its 2014 Annual Report.
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