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Update from the Chair of the Consumer and Investor Advisory Council

I am pleased to report that since assuming the role of Chair of CIAC in December of 2018, the Council has been actively involved in providing commentary and advice to the Board of OBSI.

In particular we have:

  • Urged OBSI staff to increase the readability of its website and published materials and have provided specific feedback on the communications of loss calculations, the Senior’s Report, the on-line consumer complaint form and the annual consumer survey.
  • Participated in efforts to have the federal government empower a single, non-profit as the sole ombuds service for Canada’s banks.
  • Participated in the Annual Strategic Planning Process with the Board and Executive Staff.
  • Reviewed the OBSI complaint handling process. 

In the year ahead we propose to:

  • Provide ongoing commentary and advice to OBSI on matters of strategic importance or consumer and investor interest.
  • Participate in the joint Board/Staff session scheduled for December 2019.
  • Provide input on the forthcoming annual survey of those who have used OBSI’s services in the past year.
  • Consider other ways in which we can bring a strong consumer and investor voice to the work of OBSI.

We are grateful for the efforts of the OBSI staff who have enabled us to be effective by:

  • Providing a detailed review of the complaint handling process.
  • Providing an overview of the environment and legislation surrounding investment and banking matters.
  • Providing logistical and administrative support to our Council as required.

We welcome suggestions from the public for matters which we might address. Please send your suggestions to our Council through 

Wanda Morris

Chair, Consumer and Investor Advisory Council, OBSI

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