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Unauthorized ATM withdrawal

The client lived and worked overseas, but continued to use a Canadian bank account and her Canadian bank access card at ATMs. From overseas, she complained to her bank that a withdrawal for about $1,100 was made at a nearby ATM without her knowledge.

The bank replied that the cash was withdrawn using the client's PIN number, and it was entered correctly on the first attempt. As well, the card was not reported stolen. Finally, there was only the one disputed transaction, and it was at an ATM the client had used before.

OBSI investigated, and in addition to reviewing the file, interviewing the client and the Canadian bank, we also contacted the foreign bank which operated the ATM. Our investigator verified the previous findings by the Canadian bank, and we detected none of the usual signs of a fraud or improper access to a card or account, such as repeated PIN attempts or multiple withdrawals within a short period.

Based on the evidence we found and the information provided by the client, we did not have grounds to recommend that the bank reimburse the client for the withdrawal.


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