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2017 Firm Survey

OBSI 2017 Participating Firm Survey Feedback

The participating firm survey is one of the tools that OBSI is using to continuously improve our service, and an overview of the results was included in our annual report. In this report, we present the key findings of the survey, as well an overview of the changes we are making to address the feedback we heard from firms.

Who was surveyed?

  • All 108 federally regulated bank participating firms - 34 banks (31%) responded
  • All 101 participating investment firms that had a complaint with us in 2017 - 35 investment firms (35%) responded

The survey contained qualitative and open ended questions, seeking firms' opinions on our overall service, as well as the performance of our service teams (client services, investigations and membership teams). Comment boxes for additional feedback were available at the end of each question or section.

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