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How to Use OBSI's Data Cube

OBSI's data visualizations can be customized depending on the information you are looking for. Read on to learn more about how you can filter, sort and expand the different charts and tables on a page.

How to sort the data

Data from both Banking and Investment sectors are shown on pages where no distinction is made in the title.

In order to isolate one of the industries, click on the industry labels at the top of the page. If the label is black, that means it's selected. Simply unclick the label, or click "select all" to return to the default view. Once an industry has been selected, all of the data in the charts and tables below will update to show numbers from only that industry.

In order to select a particular date range, simply use the slider to adjust the range or click on the date fields to manually input your time frame.

Clicking on a coloured element within any chart, such as an individual bar, a piece of a pie, a section of a stack, or an area in a brownie chart, will isolate and sort the rest of the data on the page by that particular element.

Extended features

Clicking within the white area of a table or chart will give you access to more features, which are indicated by the icons above and to the right of the title.

Filter icon

The first icon indicates that a filter is being used to display the data within the table or chart. This is a setting within the back end of the Data Cube and cannot be accessed.

Expansion icon

Clicking on the second icon (square with arrow) will expand the chart or table to fill your screen. Simply click "Back to report" to return to the original view.

Showing data within a table

The next option allows the data from the chart you are viewing to also appear in table format. Clicking on the "Show as a table" option will expand the chart and create a table with its data below it.  Just click "Back to report" to return to the original view.


Selecting the "Spotlight" option will highlight the chart you are looking at and fade the other charts on the page. Simply click outside of the selected chart to return to the default view.

Sorting data

When viewing a bar chart, selecting the "Sort" option will give you the ability to switch how the data is viewed. You can choose to switch between ascending and descending order, or if available, select "Sort axis" to switch your view of the order by axis points.

How to filter by firm

Where available, simply click on the drop down list labelled "Firm" at the top of the page to select the particular firm you want to see. This will isolate the data in all the tables below, showing only that firm's data.

If you'd like to search for a firm on the page, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F and type in the name of the firm you're looking for. This will highlight the firm in all instances on the page.

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