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Cases by Banking Services Firms

On this page you will find data about the banking cases OBSI has reviewed.

When reviewing case numbers for each firm, it is important to note that a higher number of cases opened for a firm may not be a negative indication. Higher case volumes are generally unrelated to case outcomes and may simply be a result of the firm effectively informing consumers about OBSI’s services. 

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) sets out conditions that the designated external complaint body (ECB) must meet to maintain FCAC approval. As the designated ECB, OBSI is required to publish a report that includes:

  • Complaints that it received
  • Complaints that it determined were within its terms of reference
  • Final recommendations that it made
  • Complaints that, in its opinion, were resolved to the satisfaction of the persons who made them

For definitions of any of the titles in the tables below, please click here.

The data below is reported and displayed using the OBSI fiscal year, which runs from November 1 to October 31. To view the data for a specific timeframe, please select the date range you wish to isolate. 

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